17 December 2012

Eight more sleeps......

until Christmas that is, and we are so not ready.  This of course won't be helped by a sick child, which means not being at school, which creates challenges of its own. There's presents for the grown ups still to buy, presents to be wrapped, and baking to be done.  There's eggnog to make, and be drunk, and a Christmas shop to do so we don't run out of food..and not enough hours in the day it seems, or money in the bank for that matter.

I also have a case of the "Bah Humbug's"; I've looked at the Christmas TV guide, and though we've been here for six Christmases now, I am still dismayed and shocked, to find a definite lack of Christmas movies.  No Home Alone, It's a Wonderful Life, Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, etc.  I know that those type of movies cater to the Northern Hemisphere Christmas, but I might 'get in the mood' a bit more if I wasn't faced with 20 action movies that have already aired more times that I can count, at other times of the year.  I know it's summer here, but I still can't wrap my head round this Christmas at summer thing..and maybe I never will?

Thankfully, we are having another quiet year at home, so don't have to worry about travelling anywhere and the inevitable grumpy children from spending too much time in the car...we're saving that joy until Easter.

So what do other people have planned for Christmas?  Going away, visiting family, staying home, or some weird combination?  Traditional Kiwi Christmas fare or something else?

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