29 January 2013

Coming out of the Closet


So I am not coming out in THAT way...I am putting my hand up to being a Michael Bolton fan. Why the big secret some might ask.  Well growing up, liking this guy was the height of uncool...probably still is actually. Now that am I am older, wiser, and tbh couldn't give a flying fig what people think I thought it was long past time I put it out there.  I will admit that I have been a crap fan in the last 15ish years; hiding away to watch You Tube videos and only putting CDs on in the car when I was alone, and hadn't really heard any of the more recent material until recently.  What prompted this somewhat public declaration? 

I was surfing You Tube, as you do, when I came across this video and I was lost..again.  Now I will put a warning on said video because it does have some explicit content, so if you're going to watch it make sure you don't have anyone with impressionable ears in the vicinity.  I have to say, IMO, Bolton makes a very convincing Jack Sparrow.  Plus, I have been reminiscing about my childhood on You Tube recently (can anyone say Voltron, Thundercats, or Dungeons and Dragons) and it reminds me of some great times, and some not great times too.  Seeing Bolton was something my dad and I used to do together, actually it was one of the few concerts we'd go to as an entire family.

So there you go..one of my 'dirty little secrets'.

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