Some might be wondering what is new with us, and some might not even care, and I wouldn't blame them with the infrequent updates. It's been five months, and I'd love to be able to say those five months have been soooo busy that I just haven't had time to update but I'd be lying so I won't say that. The last five months have been a very big struggle, for a whole host of reasons, and just been trying to process everything. Some things have gotten better, some have stayed the same, and some I am still as lost and confused now as I was then. Some of the highlights:
- David started a new job
- Illness
- School Holidays
- School Productions
- Boys birthdays
The highlight of this week is a trial of a new FM system for James hearing aids. It's the latest technology in that the frequency is coded specifically to his hearing aids, which is supposed to limit or prevent interference or 'cross talk' from any other system that might be in the school. He got it on Tuesday and used it for the first time yesterday. This comes with mixed feelings, because no matter the need, costs are a consideration. This system is not funded which means if we keep it we have to come up with the money ourselves. For us, though it would be a struggle, we can 'afford it'; having said that, some parents might not be able to and it makes me sad (and angry) to know that kids who need this sort of technology have to do without it because even though it helps them, their family just can't afford it. I won't give you an exact cost, but it is a four figure number. So I spoke to James when picked him up from school and he said the new system, whose name is Roger, was "good". I meant to go and speak to his teacher too, but forgot so tracked her down this morning to see what she thought. She had nothing but positive things to say, and though most of me was going "yay, that's awesome", the 'selfish' part of me was going "oh no, that's now money we are going to have to come up with so he can keep it". She did wonder if some of it might be first day novelty factor, but the 'proof' for me was the problems James had going to sleep last night. When he's had a hard day in the past, he tends to have issues falling asleep and/or staying asleep. He was still wide awake last night when David and I went to bed at about 9:30; which says to me that his brain has had a major workout. He was also pretty grumpy, more grumpy than usual, which is another indicator. Of course the flip side of that, is that this disorder requires him getting good quality sleep.
The School Productions were the other 'big' thing that happened in the last month or so. It was challenging, in that they were put on in the last two weeks of term when all the kids were tired...but it was a triumph and so proud of both boys. Then they've both had their birthdays, but that's another post.
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