17 September 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy

Here we are, another year gone and I still sometimes wish that I could just sleep through this day and wake up tomorrow. It's not supposed to be a sad day, it's supposed to be a happy day, but with you gone there doesn't seem much point to it all. It's been a somewhat quiet day with James off at school, though I did take Alex to morning tea at the midwife co-op who looked after us before and when he was born. Alex then decided that he didn't need sleep and only napped for about 90 minutes, when he usually has about 4 hours.

It's funny, last night at around 9:30 James woke up and refused to go back to sleep until after midnight...though I am not sure of the time as David was up and down with him while I tried in vain to sleep. He seemed restless and unable to sleep, and maybe reading too much into it now, there might be something to that. I am hoping he sleeps tonight, as very little sleep over the past few days is taking it's toll.

A poem seems appropriate somehow, but my brain is not engaged enough to even attempt to come up with one tonight. So this is just an acknowledgement for a life that enriched so many, who guided and shaped, who laughed and cried and who taught me so many things about life and happiness and fun.

So happy birthday daddy, and wherever you are I hope it's a good one.

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