16 September 2009


So after getting some much needed sleep after about 36 hours of not sleeping, at midday we get a power cut. I was just sat at the computer while Alex had his lunch next to me and all of a sudden everything just turns off. I ring the power company and of course they know nothing about it and as I am the only one at home during the day I couldn't really ask if anyone else's power was out. So what do you do when you have a small child and no power.....the only thing you can do, you go out.

So off we went to find me some lunch and to return the DVD that we borrowed from the video store the other night. We were gone about half an hour and when we came back the power was still off, but I had discovered driving from Pinehaven to Silverstream that at least the supermarket in Silverstream had power..........but then I would expect that from a supermarket. Luckily, after another 15 minutes or so the power was back on and 'normal' life could resume, as I was told that it could be 4-6 hours before power was restored.

So now all I have to decide is what we are having for dinner.

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